General Condition of Sale


This application collects some personal data from its users only for the purposes indicated and mainly for the definition of temporary lease contracts for unattended parking areas.

Owner of the site:

The properties of this site, its brands and all information contained herein belong to PARKFORFUN.COM

SRL Via Bottenigo, 217 - 30175 - Venice

Entry into force of these conditions:

These conditions of use are effective from 01 November 2019, until further notice.

Usability of the website S.r.l. endeavors to maintain the continued availability of but is unable to guarantee that this website can remain functional continuously or without interruptions and without errors. Therefore, any liability related to its unavailability is declined.

Any attempt to circumvent security, tampering, hacking or alteration of servers, computers, systems, websites, routers, firewalls or any other device connected to the internet is explicitly prohibited.

Violation of any of these rules will result in immediate reporting to the competent Italian judicial authority.

Changes and updates to the website

At any time, the right to make changes and/or corrections, alter, suspend or terminate any aspect of the website, content, services, products and/or promotions available through it (although we will fulfil all possible bookings existing or we will provide a refund in case of unavoidable cancellations) is reserved to

Unless otherwise stated, all new functions, new contents, products and services offered are subject to these terms and conditions.

Exemption from liability

The information published on are provided for illustrative purposes and must be used by visitors for information only and are subject to change without notice. srl works to the best of its ability to ensure that the information contained in its website is up to date, accurate and complete as of the date of publication, but does not issue any statements or guarantees (explicit or implicit) regarding reliability, accuracy and completeness of this information, including links to third-party sites. None of the operational parking lots can, therefore, be held responsible for any losses deriving directly or indirectly from the use of information on this website or from any actions taken with sole reliance on this information. Furthermore, any kind of warranty is excluded regarding the absence of errors, defect, viruses or malware or other malicious programs or macro on this website.

Links to other websites and third-party APIs

Links on to other websites are provided for practical and informational purposes. srl through the site does not make statements about or accept any liability and obligations for products, services or information (or any reliability placed on them) contained on these websites. srl through the site does not guarantee that the websites of third parties are devoid of virus infections, harmful components or other code or computer programming sequences containing contaminating or destructive properties intended to damage, intercept or steal expropriate systems, data or personal information.

The presence of a link to another website does not imply or explicitly represent any approval of the relevant supplier, products or services by srl through the site srl through the site does not guarantee that the third-party APIs are free of virus infections, harmful components or other code or computer programming sequences containing contaminating or destructive properties or intended to damage, intercept or steal expropriate systems, data or personal information.

The presence of a third-party API does not imply or explicitly represent any approval of the related supplier, products or services by srl through the website.

Unlawful or unauthorised use:

The user agrees not to use this website for any purposes that are unlawful or prohibited by these terms and conditions.

Applicable law and court:

For any dispute that may arise between the parties regarding the interpretation and execution of the services purchased on the site, the Court of Venice will have exclusive jurisdiction, with the relative application of the Law of the Italian State with the express exclusion of any alternative Forum or competitor.




1. Introduction:

This app gathers some personal information from users for the sole purposes and mainly for the definition of the transport contract.

1.1 Personal information

This document related to the general conditions of sale, does not address our privacy policy, which instead may be found at

When visiting, certan types of cookies may be introduced into the terminal or other device. This document related to the General Conditions of Sale of contract and of political transport does not address our cookies policy, which instead may be found at

1.2 Owner of the site

The property of this website and all informations contained herein belongs to PARKFORFUN.COM SRL

Via Bottenigo, 217 – 20175 VENEZIA

1.3 Entry into force for these Condidions

These conditions of use shall be effective from 1st November 2019, until the next update.


2. General Conditions of Contract

2.1 Premise/Precondition S.R.L. is a registered, innovative start-up which deals with software developed aimed at booking of single-vehicle parking areas in destinations defined as events (below “Event”) mainly but not exclusively with partners managing authorised parking areas (below “Partner Companies”), that place a service making use of own staff, equipment and vehicles, according to the quality standard defined by and in accordance with the national and community legal and regulatory provisions, as well as with the provisions of the competent administrative authorities.

2.2 Field of Application

The present general conditions of sale govern all interactions between customer and S.R.L., which concern the supply of one or more parking services offered on, even in the name of and for in account of third-party parking.

2.3 Amendments

Any amendments or addition, as well as any term or condition conflicting, in whole or in part, with the present general condition of sale, becomes effective only if explicitly approved in writing by S.R.L.

2.4 Booking parking – Conclusion of the contract

The booking of the parking can take place:

  1. At through the online reservation procedure available;
  2. At authorised sale points;
  3. Through referential operators;
  4. Never in the parking.

The booking by the travellers constitutes a formal proposal for the stipulation of the temporary lease contract for unattended parking areas with Srl and with the partner company in charge of performing the requested service.

The contract between the parties is considered concluded:

  • Once the user recives its unique ticket reservation confirmation by Srl.

No user will be allowed into the car park without reservation and without an available parking space.

By booking the parking space, the user confirms that they have read and accepted the present general condition of sale, as well as the information provided by Srl and/or by a salesperson of the company, declaring to possess the legal capacity, and to act and have the power to assume obligation/ duty in the name of and on behalf of any accompaying third parties.

2.5 Payment Method

As consideration for the service purchased, the travellers are required to pay the rates which is proposed at the moment of the booking request or of the conclusion of the contract, and which is present in the basket.

The payment can be carried out with differents methods, depending on the type of the booking made:

reservation on website or through the app: PayPal;

Credit Cart (VISA/MasterCard):  Visa Electron, UnionPay, JBT, PostePay, Ametican Express;

Cash at the ticket office/agencies (if the service is available);

Wire transfer (if the service is available);

Italian postal transfer (if the service is available)


2.6 Voucher

At the time of booking, it is possible to use a maximum of one discount code (below “Voucher”). It is possible to use a voucher only for bookings on the website or through a partner agency with srl.

The voucher is usable only according to the specific modalities and restrictions related to it. In general, vouchers are only valid on full price transactions: any exception must be explicitly published and/or communicated in writing by S.r.l. This regulation can be waived in the context of special promotions. In general, vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with other existing promotional campaigns.

2.6.1 Voucher use SRL’s voucher-marketing campaign allows for a maximum of three vouchers per user. If a user redeems more than three voucher codes, S.R.L., may cancel all reservations beyond the first three tickets. These regulations may be waived during special promotional periods.

2.6.2 Free Vouchers

Vouchers issued free of charge are all issued with a predefined date of expiry which is explained in writing. These vouchers are released in the context of marketing activities, and they expire once the booking process is completed.

2.6.3 Voucher re-sale

Re-sale of vouchers is not permitted and is sanctioned by S.r.l. by blocking tickets and/or by claiming damages.

2.7 Parking Ticket

Upon payment of the agreed amount by the traveler, S.r.l. issues the parking ticket (hereafter, also "ticket") relating to the area purchased, the licence plate, the time period and the person(s) whose name and surname were provided at the time of booking.

In the case of bookings through the website, the parking ticket consists of the booking confirmation sent to the provided email address, which can be shown, if necessary, in paper or electronic format (as a pdf file) together with a valid identity document of the traveler, attesting the property.

2.8 Ticket Ownership

Parking tickets are personal and non-transferable, and they attribute to the user the right to a parking space that can be freely chosen upon entering the car park or assigned by the indicated operator.

It is not possible to make reservations for a particular parking space. Users with children, pregnant women and people with reduced mobility shall be favored when choosing and selecting parking spaces, and they take precedence. The collaboration of all users is hoped but not enforced.

The parking ticket must be kept for the entire duration of the stay (also in the electronic format) and must be shown at each request by the srl staff or authorised representative of the company.

2.9 Validity of the Ticket

The ticket is valid only for the selected parking lot, up to the day and departure time noted on ticket itself. Tickets bearing abrasions and/or corrections will be considered void and, consequently, will not give the user thereof the right to park. Users without a parking ticket or with a non-compliant parking ticket will not be allowed in the parking lot.

2.9.1 Excess of the ticket validity

The ticket is valid only for the selected parking lot, up to the day and departure time noted on the ticket itself. If the user exceeds the limit of the ticket, they will be required to pay the difference between what was purchased and what was used. The modalities are varied depending on the payment and the fares of the park manager. The user is aware that the online fares could not correspond to the ones on site.

2.10. Waiver of parking by the User

Parking reservations may be cancelled up to fifteen (15) days before the planned departure and must be made known to S.R.L. exclusively through the procedure available on the website or at one of the affiliated ticket offices/travel agencies. In particular, the user declares himself aware of point 2.12.1.

2.11 Penalty of the Waiver

In the case of cancellation of parking reservations communicated within the terms and with the aforementioned procedures, the user will have the right to a refund of the amount paid, with a reduction of 9.00 euros (nine euros) which will be retained by Srl as a sanction for file management. If the amount paid for the parking cancelled by the user is less than € 9.00, S.r.l. will retain, as a penalty, the minimum amount paid during the booking.

2.12 Parking and Event Tickets

ATTENTION: In the case of travel bookings that include an entrance ticket to an event, a concert or any other event, the cancellation will only affect the parking reservation; the entrance ticket to the aforementioned event will not be refunded. The previous point can be inserted in part or completely modified only following written communication from S.r.l.

2.12.1 Notification to the Manager of the Waiver of Parking

The change of the reservation and the renouncement to the parking ARE NEVER communicated alone to the manager of the parking lot. Such modality does not give right to any reimbursement.

2.13 Refound Modality

User who have regularly communicated their renouncement of their parking space(s), according to the modalities above, will be entitled to a voucher of the same value as the rate paid for parking reservations, with explicit exclusion of the value of any ticket of entry to an event, a concert or any other event: the refund will NEVER include the admission ticket which will always be considered non-refundable.

This voucher can be used no later than 12 (twelve) months from the date of issue, for the reservation of a new parking space of equivalent value.

If the cost is more than that of the refunded parking lot, the traveller must pay the difference. If the cost of the new parking space is less than that of the refunded one, the voucher will retain the difference, and may be used for further parking spaces, as long as they are booked within twelve (12) months of the original reservation date.

The value of the voucher issued following the booking cancellation will NOT be in any case, in whole or in part, paid in cash.

In the case of using the reimbursement voucher for the booking of a new car parking space, the applicable rules and conditions are those in force when the new parking space is purchased.

However, the change or cancellation of this new booking (and any other subsequent bookings) will not give the right to any refund or cash settlement, but only to the issue of a voucher of corresponding value.

2.14 Changing the number plate

The change of the vehicle license plate related to a booking (meaning the modification of only the plate associated with the vehicle) can always be performed. It must be made known to S.r.l. exclusively through the procedure available on the website or at one of the affiliated ticket offices/agencies. Two situations can occur:

• The change of the number plate is free, and it is possible to perform the change only once.

• The number plate change is not free; in this case the cost is always clarified on the related notes of that parking reservation. In this specific case, the number of the changes is predetermined.

2.15 Applied Rule

It should be noted that, if the parking contract is concluded through online procedures (meaning the one available on the website and the one accessible via smartphone app), the rules concerning the right of withdrawal from contracts concluded at a distance or outside do not apply to commercial premises referred to in Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (“Consumer Code”).

In case of cancellation of the reservation by the user, the obligations foreseen by the provisions present in these General Conditions and, for what is not provided here, the laws in force on the subject will be followed.

3.The Parking lot – Regulation

3.1 Timetables and services

The opening and/or arrival times in the parking lots that can be booked by srl may be subjected to variations, even without notice, for technical reasons not attributable to srl or to the partner companies, and/or for reasons of force majeure, for justified reason, and/or to fulfill provisions required by administrative authorities responsible for the matter.

3.1.1 Changes

Changes to opening hours, intervened after the conclusion of the contract for causes not attributable to the fact and fault of S.R.L. and/or of the partner companies do not give right to any reimbursement in favor of the user, if the difference with respect to the original departure time and/or of arrival is equal to or less than two hours.

In the event of opening time changes resulting in a difference more than two hours from the original time, the user can withdraw from the contract, without any charge or additional cost, on condition that it has not yet started the parking of their vehicle.

For this purpose, the user must contact the helpdesk at the FAX number +39 04186 33132 (for calls from Italy, the cost will be equivalent to the fixed telephone rate established by the operator) or to the email address:, expressing their intention.

3.2 Parking regulations

Every car park offered by has its own rules, adapted to the local laws, the safety measures and/or the transport’s modality from the car park to the final destination (better know as a “shuttle”).

Usually, the specific regulation of the parking lot is available at At the end of the contract, the user declares to have seen both the specific regulation and the present document.

3.2.1 Check-in Parking lot

Before parking, users must identify themselves when requested by the operator or other staff, by showing the parking ticket and a valid identity document.

The parking ticket has a unique number for each of the reservations, with a unique QR. Regarding the fact of having more than 1 passenger onboard, only 1 reservation ticket is needed.

3.2.2 NO SHOW

In case of absence at the planned time of parking (no show condition), the parking contract will be automatically carried out correctly (without user’s right to the refund of the amount paid).

3.2.3 NO SHOW following timetable changes

If the user has been informed by srl, via SMS, e-mail or other form of written communication (according to what they stated during the booking process), about a change in accordance with point 3.1 et seq., the application of paragraph 3.2.2 above refers to the new time fixed.

3.2.4.  Multiple entry and exit rights

The choice of parking spaces on is not a multiple entry and exit policy. If a specific car park expects exit and re-entry during the time stated in the contract, this is specified in the regulations of the aforementioned specific car park. Unless otherwise specified, exiting from the car parks does not allow for re-entry and the user declares that they are informed of the temporary parking lease agreement.

3.3 Obligations of the User

The users must:

  1. observe and respect all new laws that regulate the service; for the car parks of the Barcelona circuit, please refer to what is also indicated in this document;
  2. print the QR Code on the ticket that certifies the time of the entry;
  3. follow the direction of traffic indicated by the signage and maintain the speed at a walking pace;
  1. the vehicles at the entry and exit must pay attention to pedestrian and other vehicles;
  2. leave the vehicle with the parking brake on, with the engine switched off, without keys in and adopt all the necessary caution for the safety of the own and third-party things;
  3. to the aim of avoid damage to things or people, all maneuvers must be done with caution.

Any other specific prescription of a specific parking space must be clearly found by the user upon entry to the selected parking area.

3.3.1 Major Prohibitions

The following are forbidden for all users:

for safety reasons, smoking inside the parking area, even in open spaces, without exception;

- stopping, without necessity, in the parking lot with the engine running;

- bringing flammable and explosive or otherwise dangerous substances into the parking lot, including firearms, ammunition and explosive materials;

- making any transfer of fuel in the parking lot;

- using low-beam headlights inside the parking lot;

- using acoustic signals unless there is imminent danger;

- stopping with the vehicle along the sliding lanes;

- cleaning the vehicle inside the parking lot;

- spilling oil on the floor or in the ground or in the drains, as well as any other material that can dirty and/or damage and pollute the environment;

- creating CNG or LPG vehicles inside the covered parking lot;

- walking around the parking lot freely without being accompanied by a parking delegate;

- removing or damaging fire and accident prevention devices or in any way cluttering the areas surrounding them;

- occupying emergency exits with bulky vehicles or materials;

- withdrawing water from fire hydrants;

- lighting open flames;

- opening the awning beyond the limits of the marked area;

- placing furnishings outside the space of the assigned area;

- powering the vehicle with temporary electric cables without prior authorization.

3.3.2 Parking usage limits

Vehicles left parked and not covered by the payment and those parked in order to prevent the circulation of the other vehicles or those left parked after the end of the purchased period, will be forcibly removed without warning; the related costs will be charged to the depositor who, in the absence of this, acknowledges the right to retain the vehicle.

3.4 Property Damage to the Vehicle

The user is responsible towards S.r.l. and/or of the partner company that performs the parking service for the damage caused, for malice or negligence, to the parking lot, to other users and to the equipment therein. The user who damages and/or soils, intentionally or negligently, the parking lot and the equipment therein, must pay S.r.l. a cleaning fee of € 500.00 (five hundred euros) unless there is higher damage.

This amount may be unsolicited or reduced if the user shows, respectively, that the damage was not caused by them or was caused less than the flat rate indicated above.

3.5 Immediate and Unilateral Resolution of the Contract aims to provide a pleasant experience for all users. Consequently, as a matter of common courtesy, S.R.L. reserves the right to end a parking contract where a user – despite a previous verbal warning – chooses to behave against the rules of safety regulations, or in a manner so offensive as to render unacceptable the continuation of the parking reservation, with particular attention to safety measures, in particular those relating to fire prevention standards.


4. Disclaimer

In any case, the user is responsible for complying with the regulations relating to the documents and/or visas required, as well as the regulations concerning value, customs and health protection. The consequences of failure to comply with these regulations (such as, by way of example only, the impossibility of entering the country where the car park is located) will remain the responsibility of the user and cannot in any way be attributed to S.r.l. and/or to the Partner Company, even if these rules have been modified after the parking reservation. In the rare case that this happens, the parking contract must be considered completely acquitted.


Limitation of liability of

Car parks are unattended but overseen during service hours. is not liable for damages due to theft, accidents, investments and dents caused by users or third parties inside the parking lot. The right to compensation will be exercised by the injured party in direct confrontation with the user who caused it, excluding any responsibility of the car park manager, except for the hypothesis of guilt or malice of its employees. is not responsible, under any circumstances, for objects left unattended in cars and for alleged damage to vehicles on upholstery, accessories, glasses, gaskets, locks and any object contained in the vehicle.

Furthermore, it is not liable for any damage to the car caused by fires, exaltations, riots, vandalism, hail, rain and snow and any other exceptionality, including atmospheric electric discharge, acts of terrorism and the splitting of the atom.


5.Parking for disabled users, S.R.L., within the limits of its ability, aims to provide equal treatment and access to disabled or reduced mobility travelers, given the technical limitations related to the parking structure, as listed below.

5.1 Parking lot for people with severe disabilities and people with restricted mobility

Persons with severe disabilities and those with reduced mobility relevant to the parking service can benefit from a reduced fee, by contacting the customer service help desk of S.r.l. through the e-mail address if available within the numerical limits assigned.

If possible, the assistance will be the forwarding of a special voucher. The parking of a carer of the person with severe disability is at the same conditions as the passenger, if the document certifies the degree of disability or the reduction of mobility indicates the need for assistance constant.

In order to make it possible to park disabled people or people with reduced mobility and their carers, it is necessary to inform S.r.l. before booking, in order to obtain the appropriate voucher.

ATTENTION: If, due to the methods of construction of the car park or of the infrastructures (including accesses, lifts, etc.), of the means of transport to the final destination (for example, shuttles) the ascent, the descent and/or parking of the disabled person or person with reduced mobility is found to be impossible and/or unsafe, Srl reserves the right not to accept the booking, to issue the voucher or otherwise provide a parking ticket.

In such cases, S.r.l. in any case, will inform the person in question of every possible acceptable parking alternative, also on behalf of the partner companies, within the limits of their abilities.


6. Live animals in vehicles

The possibility of leaving live animals in parked vehicles is always prohibited. In the rare case where this happens, and/or the parking manager will go directly to the judicial authority to eliminate the prejudice against the animal abandoned inside the parked vehicle.

7. Claims and reimbursement requests

Without prejudice to compensation claims admitted by these General Conditions, any claims by the user can be communicated to S.r.l. using the form available on the website. The user must exclusively contact the help desk at the FAX number +39 04186 33132 (for calls from Italy, the cost will be equivalent to the fixed telephone rate established by the operator) or to the e-mail address, expressing their need.

Complaints must be sent no later than 3 (three) days from the date on which the parking service was provided or should have been provided and will be managed by S.r.l. in accordance with the provisions of the regulation.


8. Reviews, comments and other posted content

It is suggested to publish reviews, comments and other content, submit other communications and send suggestions, ideas, comments, questions or other information, provided that the content is not illicit (or obscene, abusive, intimidating, defamatory, does not violate the privacy, the rights of intellectual property or is not otherwise offensive to and/or third parties, and is not or at least does not contain viruses, political or religious propaganda, commercial solicitation, chain letters, network marketing, mass e-mail or any other form of spamming).

It is explicitly forbidden to use a false e-mail address, to pretend to be another person or subject from which can derive inefficiency or damage to us and/or third parties. S.r.l. reserves the right to remove or modify any content.

8.1 Social-Media posting

If you decide to send content or material, except otherwise noted by us, you hereby acknowledge our non-exclusive, free-of-charge, sub-license and transferable right to use, reproduce, change, edit, post, translate, create derivative works, distribute, and display anywhere in the world such content by any means of communication including on our website and on any social-media profile we maintain.

8.2 Publication Consent of the Author

If you decide to publish social content managed by S.R.L., you agree to perform all of the further activities that are necessary to highlight your content collaboration with our website/Social.
If you think that content published by has a defamatory comment or that your own intellectual property right has been violated by an article or information on our website, we invite you to contact us at and we will immediately check your concerns.

9. Applicable Law – Jurisdiction – Forum Selection

The contractual relationship between the traveler and S.R.L. and/or any partner company engaged to carry out the service is to be interpreted, performed, and governed in compliance with Italian law.

According to Art. 66-bis Cons. Code, for civil disputes related to the application of this contract, the mandatory territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the State. For cases beyond this, the Court of Venice is competent.

9.1 Applicable Rules

For any issue not expressed in the General Conditions of Sales, Contract and Parking, the relation between the user and S.R.L. and/or the partners, are governed by the Codice Civile rules and the rules in the field of parking.

9.2 Invalidity and ineffectiveness

The invalidity and ineffectiveness, on the whole or in part, of one or more clauses contained on the present General Condition of Sales, Contract and Parking, or other supplementary agreement, will not entail the invalidity or the ineffectiveness of the other clauses of the contract.


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